The Ojamajo Doremi Manga was a manga adaptation of the Ojamajo Doremi series written and illustrated by Shizue Takanashi. It was serialized in Nakayoshi, a monthly manga magazine published by Kodansha. The storyline is based around the anime, but with its own plot points and characters not present in the original work.
TankÅbon volumes were later published by Kodansha beginning October 6th, 2000, composed of the serialized chapters while coming with stickers, staff interviews, and concept artwork from the anime. However, only four of these volumes were ever released. The 44th chapter of the manga was reprinted in the Ojamajo 20th Anniversary History Book in October 2020.
List of Ojamajo Doremi (Manga) Chapters
TankÅbon Volumes[]
Vol. â | Cover | Content | Information |
Ojamajo Doremi | |||
1 | Chapters:
Released: Oct 4th, 2000 List Price: ï¿¥560 ISBN: 978-4-06-334349-6 | |
2 | Chapters:
Released: Nov 2nd, 2000 Page Count: 130 List Price: ï¿¥560 ISBN: 978-4-06-334350-2 | |
3 | Chapters:
Released: Dec 4th, 2000 Page Count: 310 List Price: ï¿¥560 ISBN: 978-4-06-334366-3 | |
Motto! Ojamajo Doremi | |||
1 | Chapters:
Released: Dec 26th, 2001 Page Count: 130 List Price: ï¿¥560 ISBN: 978-4-06-334502-5 |
Note: Chapters 21-26 were changed to Chapters 1-6 in the Motto! Ojamajo Doremi volume.
Differences from the Anime[]
- The broom and pollon do not come out of the tap like in the anime. Instead, they are stored in the Apprentice dress pockets.
- Witch frogs have visible arms and legs and look more blob-like than in the anime. In the anime, their hands and feet only appear when necessary.
- In the anime, Aiko was a transfer student from Osaka. In the manga, she was already present in Doremi's class.
- In the manga, characters are shown in alternative clothing they didn't wear in the anime.
- Hana-chan does not appear in the manga until DokkÄn. In Sharp, she was replaced by Boo-chan, a male cherub.
- When Momoko became a witch apprentice, she was wearing the Sharp uniform. In the anime, she was seen wearing the first series uniform.
- Numerous characters from the anime series either are completely absent or have their background information altered. Notable omissions include many of the witches and classmates, the Ojamajo's fairy companions, and almost every one-shot character.
- In the manga, the girls and members of the Flat4 had crushes on each other. While in the anime, Aiko, Hazuki and Onpu were not shown having romantic feelings towards their respective member, while the boys were ambiguous regarding their feelings.
- Momoko's hair bordered more on green in the manga, while in the anime is was chartreuse/blonde.
An Italian translation for the first 3 releases was produced by Play Press Publishing. The characters went under their respective names from the Italian dub, with the page imagery being mirrored for the European reading style.
A German translation for the first 3 volumes began serialization from January to April 2002, translated by Antje Bockel and published by Carlsen Comics. This translation went under the same title as the German anime dub, Do-Re-Mi, with the characters having their names from that dub.
The Thai translation for the manga was produced by Bongkoch Comics. This translation covered all 4 releases, including the Motto volume which was not translated in any other known translation for the manga.
- Although Hazuki is regarded as the 2nd apprentice, Aiko represented the 2nd manga cover.
- Momoko has green hair like various merchandise pieces.
- As of 2021, chapters 27 through 43 have not been republished since their initial serialization.
- Although no official statement of the TankÅbon volumes being discontinued was given, it is theorized that it may have been due to a lack of sales.
- The Ojamajo Doremi manga has not been officially translated for the Western audience except fan translations.
External Links[]
- - Official purchase page for the first volume on Kodansha's website.
- - Official purchase page for the second volume on Kodansha's website.
- - Official purchase page for the third volume on Kodansha's website.
- - Official purchase page for the Motto! volume on Kodansha's website.